
标题: [分享][搬运][暴雪蓝贴][幻境新生:熊猫人之谜] 北美5月29日(北京时间5月30 [打印本页]

作者: 囘憶若曦囘t    时间: 2024-6-30 20:10
标题: [分享][搬运][暴雪蓝贴][幻境新生:熊猫人之谜] 北美5月29日(北京时间5月30



5月29日 2024

魔兽世界 幻境新生:熊猫人之谜

1521 posts
Community Manager
May 29, 2024

WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria

Endgame tuning adjustments have been made to Heroic Scenarios, Heroic Dungeons, and Normal Raids so that they increase in power more slowly between levels 60 and 70. Heroic and Mythic raids have been adjusted so there is a smoother transition between them.
Players who completed the Pearlfin Jinyu questline can now bring Lesser Charms of Good Fortune to Elder Lusshan for additional reputation.
Players who completed the Forest Hozen questline can now bring Lesser Charms of Good Fortune to Chief Kah Kah for additional reputation.
Fixed a bug that inadvertently capped the maximum stats that can be gained on a Cloak of Infinite Potential. That cap has been removed.
Shado Pan Assault reputation earned per boss kill increased to 1000 (was 300). This amount is available daily.
Elder Great Turtles and Ancient Spineclaws have migrated back to the Timeless Shore, which should benefit players who are just Killing Time.
Illusion: Sha Corruption can now be destroyed by players who have already learned it elsewhere.
Adjusted and tuned several gem effects:
Arcanist’s Edge absorb amount (that can be converted into damage) has been doubled.
Fervor health amounts (that can be converted into damage) has been doubled.
Righteous Frenzy damage dealt to targets increased to 2% per second (was 1%).
Developers’ notes: This should give healers a bit more to do while optimizing their group’s damage, and it should make some gem combinations even more interesting.
Searing Light collected healing points increased to 10% (was 7%).
Slay cannot critically strike.
Developers’ notes: Slay still hits for the player’s entire health amount, and will remain an incredibly powerful option.
Ward of Salvation no longer applies a heal absorb. It has been reworked so that the caster’s heals are duplicated as an absorb shield, but not other sources of healing.
Developers’ notes: Ward of Salvation will remain a powerful way for healers to deliver some additional damage, but should not trivialize the most difficult raid encounters.

作者: 啵啵小奥特    时间: 2024-6-30 20:10
作者: 素色流年783    时间: 2024-6-30 20:16
作者: 因为我是真真    时间: 2024-6-30 20:23
作者: 一网湖水沧    时间: 2024-6-30 20:26
作者: 穿雨捶    时间: 2024-6-30 20:32
作者: 纆g    时间: 2024-6-30 20:35

作者: 快乐宝贝567    时间: 2024-6-30 20:39
作者: 简单350    时间: 2024-6-30 20:43
作者: 二狗子2017    时间: 2024-6-30 20:48

编辑一下:昨天打了一圈下来看 其他的都还是小增强,斩除算是巨大削弱了(不能暴击让boss明显多活了,原本20%斩杀的时候boss就是瞬躺)
作者: 素色流年783    时间: 2024-6-30 20:51
(, 下载次数: 41) (, 下载次数: 47)
作者: 曹羁奔陈构    时间: 2024-6-30 20:58
作者: 刘岑岑故    时间: 2024-6-30 21:03
作者: 123456881    时间: 2024-6-30 21:06

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