Weapons of Order icon has been updated. Jadefire Stomp’s icon has been updated. 精序兵戈和碧火踏图标更新
完美无瑕。 数据挖掘里酒仙给幻灭踢光环动了一下,但是没有法术ID也判断不出来到底是改的啥。
New Passive Ability: Dome of Mist Enveloping Mist transforms 80% of its remaining periodic healing into a Dome of Mist when dispelled, absorbing damage and increasing healing received by the Monk by 30% for 8 seconds. Learned at level 45. 新被动-迷雾护体:氤氲之雾在被驱散时,将其剩余治疗量的80%转换为迷雾护体,吸收伤害并使其受到来自武僧的治疗提高30%,最多持续8秒。在45级时学习。
Enveloping Mist can now be dispelled. 氤氲之雾又可以被驱散了。 他们之前刚给改成无法驱散了还把PVP护体天赋删了来着。 ----------
Ancient Teachings is now a baseline effect and transfers damage from Crackling Jade Lightning, but now transfers 30% of damage into healing. 谆谆古训现在是基础技能,转化率为30%,不过也会影响碎玉闪电。
New Talent: Jadefire Teachings After casting Jadefire Stomp or Thunder Focus Tea, Ancient Teachings transfers an additional 140% damage to healing for 15 seconds. While Jadefire Teachings is active, your Stamina is increased by 5%. 新天赋:碧火古训:使用妖魂踏/雷茶后激活,使谆谆古训的转化率+140%,持续15秒。碧火古训激活时,耐力提高5%。 相当于把之前的古训加了个雷茶开关(战斗中转化率还是170%没变化),并且适配碎玉闪电。
New Talent: Rushing Wind Kick Kick up a powerful gust of wind, dealing Nature damage in a 25 yard cone to enemies in front of you, split evenly among them. Damage is increased by 5% for each target hit, up to 30%. Grants Rushing Winds for 4 seconds, increasing Renewing Mist’s healing by 50%. Replaces Rising Sun Kick, choice node with Jadefire Teachings. 新天赋:踢出强风对面前25码锥形范围内的敌人造成自然伤害,由他们分担。每击中一个目标伤害提高6%,最多30%。获得4秒“疾风”,提高复苏之雾的治疗量50%。 替代旭日东升踢,和碧火古训互为抉择点。 既然是替代旭日那肯定是吃古训、踢雾、幻灭刷新等天赋的,但点这个就只有30%古训转化率。 冷却时间和旭日一样,目前看来是给团本踢雾用的,不需要锁死近战位。 ----------
New Talent: Jade Empowerment Casting Thunder Focus Tea increases your next Crackling Jade Lightning’s damage by 1000% and causes it to chain to 4 additional enemies. Choice node with Dance of Chi-Ji. 新天赋:雷光聚神茶提高下一个碎玉闪电的伤害1000%并使其额外击中4个目标。和赤精之舞互为抉择点。 从5.0试炼场就眼馋的碎玉轰雷实装给织雾咯。 使用雷茶后会额外获得一个持续时间无限的buff,使用碎玉闪电后消失。碎玉闪电本身不和雷茶互动。
Crackling Jade Lightning damage increased by 100%. Crackling Jade Lightning now channels 25% faster. 碎玉闪电基础伤害提高100%,引导速度加快25%。 目前0急速下引导时间3秒,启动时1跳,一共5跳。 bug:目前吃不到古训,不提供治疗量 ----------
New Talent: Refreshment Life Cocoon now grants 5 stacks of Mana Tea and applies 2 stacks of Healing Elixir to its target. 新天赋:作茧缚命提供5层法力茶,并且给目标添加2层金疮药。 滋养真气删了,他挪到滋养的位置,和毛线叠作茧抉择
Calming Coalescence has been redesigned Increases the absorb amount of Life Cocoon by 80%. 静心凝雾(毛线叠作茧)重做:现在被动提高作茧吸收量80%,不再需要叠层。 ----------
Blackout Kick damage increased by 25%. 幻灭踢伤害提高25%。 ----------
Awakened Jadefire now additionally causes Blackout Kick to strike 2 additional targets at 70% effectiveness. 觉醒碧火现在还会提供顺劈幻灭,伤害降低为70%。 等于就是妖魂踏4点压缩到了3点(觉醒碧火和远古斜率二合一),效果几乎不变。 相对于4点的改动是幻灭额外刷新旭日的几率移除了。
Dance of Chi-Ji’s chance to trigger has been increased by 100% and has moved talent locations. 赤精之舞的触发率加倍,天赋树位置改变。 基础RPPM1→2,挪位置适配碎玉闪电天赋。 ----------
The following talents have been removed: Nourishing Chi Ancient Concordance 以下天赋移除: 滋养真气 远古谐律