祥和那边有双层天神啊 点出玄牛酒和轻酿差不多就能到20S一个作者: 热忽行退 时间: 2025-1-24 05:39
龙傲天还在加强作者: 睿智奔腾小马 时间: 2025-1-24 05:50
至少天神酒占比肯定提高了,不用想着幻灭天神的事了,能多刷一点酒或者猛虎,就看下版本k值实际进本到底咋样了,但是下版本怪有点多啊。作者: 唰唰冷呵映 时间: 2025-1-24 05:59
轮回没法一个大伤害把大使的仇恨稳定拉住了,这算小削了一刀作者: 霓小沫儿 时间: 2025-1-24 06:05 标题: [PTR] Build 58731 武僧部分(1.24) Brewmaster 酒仙 Purified Chi maximum stacks reduced to 6 (was 10) and now increases Celestial Brew’s absorb amount by 35% per stack (was 20%). 净化真气层数上限10→6(叠层机制没改) 净化真气每层提高天神酒吸收量20%→35%
Mistweaver 织雾 Spinning Crane Kick damage increased by 40% (was 30%). 神鹤踢伤害+30%→40% Fixed an issue that caused Enveloping Mists caused by Misty Peaks or Jade Bond to cancel Celestial Conduit. 天神御身秒断bug(https://bbs.nga.cn/read.php?tid=42802551)修复。(BLZ原文是迷雾之峰和翡翠羁绊引起的,但是施法序列引起的秒断确实修了) Fixed an issue that sometimes allowed spells to be cast during Mana Tea’s channel. 法力茶期间可以读条bug修复
Conduit of the Celestials 天神御师 Celestial Conduit damage increased by 30%. 天神御身本体伤害提高30%(仅限织雾)。 August Dynasty no longer has a proc cooldown (was 8 seconds). 天神王朝(妖魂踏提供下一发旭日+30%或活血+50%)现在没有内置cd。
Master of Harmony 祥和宗师 Overwhelming Force damage decreased to 5% (was 15%). 无匹之劲(旭日幻灭猛虎冲击波)伤害15%→5%(仅限织雾)
Windwalker 踏风 Ordered Elements now reduces Chi costs by 1 during Storm, Earth, and Fire (was Rising Sun Kick reduces Chi costs during Storm, Earth, and Fire for 7 seconds). 道法万象修改,现在分身期所有技能-1气消耗。不再需要旭日来启动7秒。 旧效果(分身重置旭日cd并且给2气)还在。